Behaviour Policy

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At Beautiful Beginning Academy, we are committed to providing a safe and conducive learning environment where all students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. This Behaviour Policy is inspired by best practices from international schools and is designed to promote positive behaviour, maintain a respectful atmosphere, and address behavioural issues effectively.

1. Respect and Dignity:
Respect is a core value at our academy. All members of our community, including students, teachers, staff, and parents, are expected to treat each other with respect and dignity. This includes respecting differences in culture, background, and opinions.

2. Expectations for Student Behaviour:
We expect students to:

– Attend school regularly and punctually.

– Participate actively in their learning.

– Be courteous and respectful to peers, teachers, and staff.

– Follow classroom and school rules.

– Refrain from disruptive or harmful behaviour.

– Respect personal and school property.

– Use language that is appropriate and respectful.

3. Code of Conduct:
Our Code of Conduct promotes a positive and respectful learning environment. It includes guidelines for classroom behaviour, behaviour on school grounds, and during school-related activities. Students are expected to always adhere to this code.

4. Positive Reinforcement:
We encourage positive behaviour through various means, including:

– Verbal praise and recognition.
– Certificates and awards for outstanding behaviour.
– Special privileges or responsibilities.
– A system of house points or merits to acknowledge positive actions.

5. Addressing Behavioural Issues:
In cases of behavioural issues, our approach is to:

– Address issues promptly and consistently.

– Provide counselling and support to students who may need it.

– Communicate with parents to ensure a collaborative approach to behaviour management.

6. Consequences for Misbehaviour:
If a student violates the Code of Conduct, consequences may include:

– Verbal warnings and reminders.

– Loss of privileges or recess time.

– Time–out or reflection periods.

– In-school suspension.

– Parent conferences.

– Referral to school administration.

7. Reporting and Communication:
Open and transparent communication between the school and parents is vital. We will keep parents informed about their child’s behaviour through:

– Regular parent-teacher conferences.

– Written communication, including behaviour reports.

– Meetings with school counsellors when necessary.

8. Behavioural Support:
For students who need additional support in behaviour management, we will work closely with parents and, if necessary, involve external specialists to develop personalized plans.

9. Restorative Practices:
We embrace restorative practices, which focus on repairing harm and restoring relationships. When conflicts arise, we aim to engage all parties in a process of understanding and resolution.

10. Continual Improvement:
This Behaviour Policy is a living document that we will review and update regularly to reflect best practices and the evolving needs of our academy community.
Beautiful Beginning Academy is dedicated to fostering a culture of respect, responsibility, and positive behaviour. This Behaviour Policy is a testament to our commitment to providing an inclusive, safe, and nurturing environment for all our


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